Glory to Glory
“Let the people praise Him, rejoice in all His goodness
And be thankful for all He has done
Tell the generations, from the mountain to the valley
By His spirit, the victory is won!”
Song of the Day: “Glory to Glory to Glory” by Fred Hammond
7:45 AM: Meeting with the Doctors
Sevyn’s stats are OK. Her urine output is good, and she had three stools yesterday.
Her hemoglobin, platelets, white blood count, and coags are stable. There is no evidence of new clots.
Respiratory - they are going to do two pressure support trials to allow Sevyn to breathe on her own for two hours
Hematology - they would like to do an ultrasound of her neck where the clot was found down to her wrist where she had surgery
Neurology - Her antiseizure medicine will be changed from IV to NG tube, they want to order another CT to check her brain
Nutrition - increase feeds 5ml to 10ml an hour
Sedation - Start weaning fetanyl- methadone minimize symptoms of weaning - 6 hours, wean down fetanyl (2.5 - down by .5 each time she has methadone)
Extubation - they think her lungs look ready to remove the breathing tube. They want to make sure there are no pending procedures that may require a breathing tube. They are hoping to take it out tomorrow (Thursday)
9:15 AM - Respiratory administered albuterol to support good breathing and keep her airway open
10:30 AM - Hematology - Sevyn passed her HIT (heparin-induced thrombocytopenia) test, which means that she has more options for blood thinners
11:45 AM - Neurology - the doctors said that her eye movements look great. The left leg was moving well compared to the right leg! CT scan later today!
12:00 PM - EKG
1:30 PM - Occupational Therapy - I got to hold her!! ❤️
2:00 PM - Hematology - Ultrasound performed to check on the clots in her neck and arm
4:20 PM - Hematology returned to discuss some of the results that are starting to come in. Antinuclear Antibody Test (ANA) - came back negative
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Test (HIT) - came back negative
Still waiting for more tests to come in and now searching more broadly for what could be going on.
Sevyn will remain on blood thinners however will not be switching at the moment. Hopeful to be able to switch to a blood thinner that is easier for her and no longer via IV.
5:20 PM - CT Scan was performed and will wait for results later this evening.
8:00 PM - Evening Rounds - CT Scan results looked good and did not show anything that stood out to doctors.
Respiratory came to begin Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT). Sevyn will be doing this trial for 2 hours.
She was also given a bath and a new bow placed in her hair.
Goodnight world…..zzzzz
10:10 PM - Respiratory came to stop the Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT). Sevyn did a great job and has gone back to the original set up. She will perform another SBT tomorrow morning 4am - 6am.
Check back for more updates tomorrow….
Song of the Day: “Glory to Glory to Glory” by Fred Hammond